Saturday, April 4, 2009

2009 Del Mar Goodguys...

This show always sneaks up on me. AMAZING weather...and an AMAZING tip from Derrick to take the back way into the show...That little tip saved us about 45 min sitting in traffic. Good size crew this year...walked it...had a few beers...took some photos...watched some autocross...walked the show some more...went to the Tidewater for some lunch and drinks. It's pretty much nap time right after this post.

1 comment:

Satchmo said...

Nice pics dude. Especially the one with the handsome fella walking next to that white, dropped chevy pickup with the black front wheel! You definitely caught a different view of the show than I did. My pictures looked like I was taking a buncha photos for a car dealership.
Nice job, Neils!