Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Introducing Bebop...

Ozzie and Sean have taken the plunge into adding a pup to their family...And they picked a cute one!

Bebop came over for a little meet and greet with the girls the day after Halloween.  I think Whiskey was still a little hungover...She wasn't too sure how to handle all the ankle biting.  Aaaand Lucy had NO idea what to think.  He is a playful little guy with a ton of energy!  It is awesome to see him running around at full speed...He gets those short little legs moving!  Reminds me of someone else I know...Minus the big ears. 

Excited to have a new addition to our circle of friends with dogs!

I can't wait for him to get all of his shots so we can hit all of the fun dog spots!

See you soon B!

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