Owls are in color. Highlights in the owls eyes, teal highlights in the tree, a few more little background details and a solid once over and I think she'll be wrapped up.
And camping on Mt. Laguna @ Burnt Rancheria Campground. Friday night Peter and Tasha invited us up to Peter's folks place in Alpine for some bbq and pool volleyball before we embarked on our camping trip Saturday morning. Awesome food...pool volleyball...can't go wrong with that.
Saturday we cruised up to Mt. Laguna...set up camp and started working on reaching Wizard Status. One of the things I learned about reaching Wizard Status is if you are the first person to reach Wizard Status you will probably be the first Wizard to bed...but you will probably wake up later on and enjoy some quality campfire time.
All in all we had 5 people reach Wizard Status...Me, Meggy, Andrea, Martin and the birthday girl Kerry Kaye!
Good times...I really enjoyed that campground. I am ready to go back...we definitely don't go camping enough.
It's crazy how much the little bit of green in the leaves makes the tattoo pop even more. It was black and grey for so long...then it was bacon colored...It's cool to see more color coming together. The base of the tree is sill healing up. Briana worked on the leaves and the paisley lastnight. Blue highlights in the tree, color on the owls and a good once over and I think she'll have that thing wrapped up...Well at least that part of her arm.
Beautiful day...We started out at 5am and hit every kelp patty on the way out. We saw Bluefin, Yellowfin, Yellowtail, a huge pod of dolphins and we even chased a few Marlin for a while. They were out there but didn't want anything to do with us. We did reel in a few rock cod at the end just to save a little face and bring home fish...It was kinda like a kick in the gut at that point. I had a good time...Kind of expensive for a boat ride...enjoyable none the less. I had huge dreams of filling my new cooler with fish and then breaking in my new vacuum sealer all evening. Next year.
Madeline is sassy already...Flipping the bird in her sleep.
A Praying Mantis on Meggy's head...She accidentally chased it into a spider web, then reached into the spider to save it. Which is HUGE...Megan hates spiders and spider webs.
Leaving our soccer game on Thursday I spotted RC's latest financial endeavour. Apparently he has been hitting the road. He must have watched "Over The Top" and got inspired. RC let me know when the big arm wrestling tournament is...we'll come cheer you on.
Guess who is three weeks old today? You guessed it...Madeline. Chris and Nicki had us over for some delicious Smoked Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes, Zucchini and Squash. Super tasty! Chris is mastering his smoker skills and Megan and I were lucky enough to be there for the taste test. We watched Jay Cutler throw interceptions, ate Otter Pops and hung out...Fantastic little Sunday evening. Thanks guys!
Peter and Tasha had people over, grilled up some grub, served the coldest Coors Lights ever and led us the best KGB Sky Show firework viewing spot! After the fireworks display we cruised on back to their place for some more cold ones and a few rounds of beer pong. Thanks for having us guys!