I got the interior all wrapped up this week. It had been a while since I have been able to take her for a drive and I was all fired up to take a few hot laps around the neighborhood. Hopped in...Fired right up...Went to slap her into gear and. "Grrrriiiiinnnnddddd!" It didn't want to go into gear...Then I remembered when she was getting rewired they tossed in a new clutch cable for me...It would shift into gear just fine when parked but not while the motor was running. After wedging myself all the way under the rear of the car a few times, breaking a bulb in my flashlight and a few turns of the wing nut and we were back in action.
I just need to wire up the stereo and get her idling a little better and she'll be ready for some cruising! And then she just needs to sit a bit lower and I'll be stoked!
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