Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Karate Chopped

The other night we were relaxing on the couch, watching TV and I was drawing a picture related to a comment that Megan had made earlier in the day, "I wish I could just punch the fleas right off of Murphy." After finishing the "Flea Puncher" drawing Megan was karate chopping me telling me she chopped parts of my body right off...like my fingers, my arms, my neck and my nose. After she would karate chop them off I would draw a picture of it.

So today while at work and decided to re-draw the karate chopped fingers. Her karate chops cut with expert precision...not even scratching the bone...just taking the meat clean off...she's good like that.

1 comment:

Jrahn said...

I can picture Megan laughing as your appendages fall to the ground.