Sunday, May 31, 2009

2009 Rock-N-Roll Marathon...

It's that time of year...Rock-N-Roll Marathon time! Tons of runners...always cool to see. Our downstairs neighbor Veronica was running this year...she's the one leaping in the air with joy. Our place is right at the 2 mile marker...people are still smiling at this point. Meggy was keeping track of the Elvi...I think the final total was 14. After the race passed our place I took a walk down to the 163 where one of the water stations is. It is so frantic down there it's insane...everyone running, grabbing water, tossing their cups, people handing out water...madness. And I saw Bill Walton a few times riding his bike.

This whole getting up early and being productive on a Sunday morning is kind of nice...but it's definitely going to lead to a nap here real soon!

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