Murph has some wild obsession with water. If you pour a glass of water he will come running from anywhere in the house...even if he is sleeping. He does NOT want to get sprayed with water or bathed. He also loves to spill his water dish by dragging all over the house.
Water Dish One...$2...Cheap Plastic...Green...Would have water in it for about 30 sec.
Water Dish Two...$50...Water Fountain Style...Red...He practically ate the water dish, ripped up the filter and splashed water everywhere.
Water Dish Three...$20...Red...Heavy w/a rubber bottom so "DOGS" won't slide their dish all over the place(The lady at the pet shop asked us what kind of dog we had...when we told her it was for a cat...She laughed and said, "No way can he move that." Wrong...No match for Muprh. Same dish...Set it on a piece of non-skid drawer liner...Pissed him off for a few days...Now he has that figured out.
Fact: Frozen Vegetables are funnier than SNL.
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